Article No. 87

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Article No. 87


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Tetanus Prophylaxis

Tetanus Prophylaxis

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The administration of tetanus prophylaxis can take two forms:

  • Tetanus-toxoid containing vaccine (e.g. Tdap or Td)
  • Tetanus-toxoid containing vaccine (e..g. Tdap or Td) + Tetanus immune globulin

The type of wound (clean vs. direct) and the patient's immunzation status or knowledge of their immunizations are taken into account.

Administering tetanus prophylaxis takes into account several factors include prior and most recent immunization status and the type of wound

Administering tetanus prophylaxis takes into account several factors include prior and most recent immunization status and the type of wound

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Improving medicine through the use of great design to create informative and entertaining medical education.
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