Vasopressors & Inotropes

Vasopressor Effect Upon Adrenergic Receptors

  1. Vasopressin (pitressin, ADH)
  2. Phenylephrine (neosynephrine) 
  3. Norepinephrine (levophed) 
  4. Epinephrine (adrenalin) 
  5. Dopamine (inotropin) 
  6. Dobutamine (dobutrex) 


In this song, I use basketball players as a metaphor for vasopressors and inotropes used in critical care medicine. Their jersey numbers reflect their maximum dose. Their position reflects how they should be administered, central vs. peripheral. The song is filled with many homonyms, so that each time you listen you may discover something new. On the right side of the screen, I reveal these meanings as the song progresses

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